Spread Positivity, Make Your And Others Life Beautiful.

Marrium Fatima Sattar
3 min readDec 6, 2019

Everything has positivity. We are surrounded by it. I remembered when my mother was diagnosed with diabetes, we all were sad then she said this to us( me and my siblings), “beta her cheez me positivity hai in fact bemari me bhi Qk jab ap bemar hoty ho to ap kay gunnah jhartay hain”. It means that even disease is a positive thing as our sins are vanishing away. It is just our way to look at things.

I am a person who gets stressed with anything as if tomorrow is the last day to submit the work so I will get stress or start crying and stuff. I want to be a perfectionist at everything. But being perfect is not what matters, being better than the older ones of us does. It is good if you are working on a topic seriously but you should not destroy the quality in you of learning and should not compromise the quality of work (I guess I am making my point here). Be positive, work to learn more and experience more. Don’t take these too seriously or in order, words work hard but a limitation is always important. Work you have good learning with that topic not to meet the deadlines online. I am working on making myself positive about this and create the best working and learning environment for myself. For completing my Project Work of Amal Career Fellowship what I did this time I used the “Pomodoro Technique” and properly followed my to-do list for this week. The result was so amazing, I completed my Project work this week on time without getting stressed or burdening myself. A limitation is always important. If you cross the limits you will end up stressing yourself. I know what stress I shared isn’t that serious if I compared it to other humans, but I wanted to tell this to all of you the importance of limitation in your life as the excess of everything doesn’t necessarily make it a good thing.

My above story is not a depressing one. Worldwide, many people have surrounded by negativity. The person next to you is smiling all the time but you don’t know what is going in his/her life. Let me tell you the small secret of making others feel better. Show small acts of kindness. That’s what I get this whole week. The happiness and positivity which I felt after each act of kindness was worth it. Your act of kindness will require only 5 seconds but this can make other people’s whole day and also your whole day.

This week I helped my mother with household stuff and daily before sleeping I massaged her feet. She was so happy and all this time she gave me a blessing which actually made my day. I also spend my time with my father talking to him about random stuff. He also shared a few daily life issues with me, which we tried to solve together. Helping him and listening to him made our day. Do you people know? That supporting others will reduce depression, anxiety and it is the ingredient to build confidence (to whom you are supporting), I supported my friend which some personal stuff. These small acts of kindness bring positivity to my own life too. To increase this positivity I did one more activity which is “Gratitude”. Thank you is the magical phase in the world. I said thanks to random people who helped me. Elevator operator, driver, guard, parents, siblings, etc. to whom I was getting a chance to say those worlds. The experience of spreading positivity ends up making me more positive about everything.

It’s my advice to every one of you be positive and spread it too.



Marrium Fatima Sattar

An Electrical Engineer who wants to spread positivity and her prespective with blogging.