Good News: Procrastination Can Be Treated By “Pomodoro Technique”

Marrium Fatima Sattar
2 min readNov 29, 2019

I am a procrastinator, we all are procrastinators in one way or another. Now here is technique to remove or reduce procrastination which is “Pomodoro Technique”. In this technique a timer of 25 minutes is set, these are those 25 minutes when you need to focus on work without being distracted, after these minutes take a break of 3–5 minutes, and then repeat this process until the task is complete.

The experience was definitely good. I have never tried this technique before. Previously, it was so hard for me to focus on completing my tasks on to-do list, until the panic monster hits in. I am organized person, I feel great when it comes to organizing. This technique has taught me how to be organized while completing the task/project. Without any burden or panic I completed my session 3 of both online courses (by Amal Academy), and actually I completed it before the estimated time. While working according to the technique, I manipulated myself by believing that those 25 minutes are the deadline and in that I have to complete my task efficiently.

I completed my task before my estimated time with better understanding. I will definitely use this technique in my Amal fellowship’s upcoming courses, but actually I will moderate this technique by rewarding myself with a block of chocolate or jelly, as this will keep me more focus on my work.

Focusing on work is the most difficult part but for being productive it’s necessary to be focused. By this technique I was not only enjoying focusing on work but also learning from it.

Respect Your Time



Marrium Fatima Sattar

An Electrical Engineer who wants to spread positivity and her prespective with blogging.